Canning Bridge Rail Station is a significant hazard for disabled passengers. Just getting to the station is difficult enough for the rest of us. Disabled people find it almost impossible. One must brave the traffic to get in from the Fremantle side or climb a steep path and negotiate a number of steps and kerbs on the western approach.
There is no suitable drop- off point so drivers just block the left- hand lane while delivering or collecting their disabled passengers on the Canning Highway level. This creates yet more hazard for other road users.
Having got to the top of the station it then gets worse! There is a lift to the south- bound platform but for people heading to Perth City, there is just the set of stairs. The lift- well for north- bound travellers has no equipment in it at all. This makes wheelchair access for City workers impossible and other means of ascent and descent just plain painful.
Oh, there is a lift to the Perth platform, but to get to that facility one must cross the traffic to the centre island; this is only for those who enjoy sweat and adrenaline.
Surely we can do better.