Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Canning Bridge Vision

At last night’s Council meetings the Cities of South Perth and Melville simultaneously agreed to endorse the Canning Bridge Rail Station Study “Precinct Vision.” This was the culmination of an excellent series of public meetings, community input and conscious  development.

This plan is the result of two years of community workshops and consultant design work and has had widespread input from many, many people. This included a joint session of both Councils earlier in the year. The vision for our side of the bridge has a residential flavour; Melville’s is of very mixed- use, including high- rise development, with a town square and central hub.

Click here for a link in the press today.

The City will be advertising details of the plan for your comment in January so be sure to read the details and have your say. Key aspects for South Perth, raised in community forums and addressed in the Vision, include:

  • better pedestrian access
  • improved links with Curtin University
  • some commercial development on Canning Highway, Como
  • building of a third bridge and retiring the older structure, possibly for use as community services such as coffee shops on the bridge
  • Manning Road southbound access
  • greatly improved bus stop arrangements
  • kiss ‘n ride facilities
  • better all- round traffic arrangements
  • foreshore enhancement, with recreation facilities
  • allowance for a ferry station

Further details will be released in January. There will be notes on this Blog. Proposed developments will be over many years, and might not commence immediately. Many people have already had their say at community meetings. Do you have any more to add? Click on “Comments” below, and select 'anonymous' or enter your details if you prefer.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Making a Difference

Isn’t today magnificent? This morning saw the annual “Thank a Volunteer” breakfast at McDougal Park. About 150 people enjoyed breakfast under the gum trees and awards to individuals for outstanding service to the community.

Quite a few people couldn’t get to the ceremony because they were, well, volunteering. I am certain that there are many, many other individuals and clubs very busy with what they do and perhaps don’t know about this annual award. Perhaps next year you might nominate an individual from your club for public recognition and thanks.

Thanks also to the City staff who arranged the memorable event.

All of these people make South Perth and Australia wonderful.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Tree Poisoning in our Parks

Trees in Sir James Mitchell Park and Sandon Park have died. The City’s Environment Manager has reported today that laboratory analysis of soil and tree tissue from Sandon Park shows that the trees were poisoned.

The herbicide used to kill this vegetation is Hexazinone, commonly known as "Velpar". This herbicide has an extremely toxic effect on native vegetation, but poses little threat to humans in moderate dosages. However, the amounts indicated within the soil and tissue samples have proved to be well outside the standard application rate, so much so that it appears the herbicide has been poured directly onto the vegetation, without dilution.

At the more than twenty five Community Visioning meetings over the last year, one of the things that people said they most valued about South Perth was its green, leafy nature. It would seem that some owners of premium real estate might wish to destroy this in order to enhance their own river views.

Have your say by clicking “Comments” below.