Canning Bridge traffic is a mess, no doubt about that. Cars, buses, pedestrians, bicycles and trains find their way through as best they can. The bridge sees more use every day. Coordinated planning is sorely needed.
Following recent attention by Lynn MacLaren of the Greens, Friday saw a thorough walking inspection by a very high- level group. Simon O’Brien- Minister for Transport, John McGrath- State Member for South Perth, James Best- Mayor of South Perth, Cliff Frewing- CEO, City of South Perth, top executives and engineers from Public Transport Authority, Main Roads and Department of Transport plus senior staff from City of South Perth, a Disability Access specialist, and myself.
This is very probably the first time such a group had seen our local chaos together, for themselves. Having everyone on site together produced good, effective communication around the issues and what can be done. Minister Simon O’Brien promised “consolidated action, across departments.”
I had always thought that lack of pedestrian access was an oversight but the engineers said that the bridge was meant to be just a bus and train interchange. Now that we see thousands of people from South Perth and Melville walking to the station it is clear that some imaginative design work is needed. People jumping fences, dodging traffic and dropping friends and family in three un- official kiss- and- ride points have made it clear that more is required.
Ease of use and safety are vital. Every person using Public Transport is one less car on the freeway and one less car parking in the City.
Now, let’s see some action.
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