Monday 29 March 2010

Como Barbecue: Thank You

Thank you to everyone who made today’s event.

The motivation for the barbecue is my hope that we talk with each other, that we have useful conversation.

Our city is changing, rapidly. One of the hot spots of this change is around Como and Canning Bridge. Como is a magnificent place to live. I hope that in fifty years time it is still outstanding and our grandchildren say “Thank goodness they planned for our future”

Yes, there are things that other people can do for us. We can talk about that. Mainly I hope that we have conversation about what we can do for and with each other, connecting our community.

Much was expressed today. I heard about people’s need for safety, both physical and financial. I heard concerns about overshadowing and parking. There were worries about effects on species diversity, river bank protection and the need to connect ecosystems. The effects of population growth were discussed. Some people felt that equity between suburbs was important, others that transport to the airport was a big issue. Possible changes to Council Rates were at the front of some people’s minds.

After the event Lyn MacLaren from Greens WA spent about an hour with me, on a walking inspection of the Canning Bridge area.

There is sure to be much more to talk about. One of the next events will be a seminar with a respected international consultant on city design.

As always, just click on ‘Comments’ to have your say.

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