Last night South Perth Council voted to proceed with work on our Canning Bridge Vision. Text of the motion follows; please note that this is not an official Council document.
(a) Council acknowledges that the Canning Bridge Precinct, because of its location and features (Freeway and Canning Highway intersection and bus and rail transfer station) is an appropriate place for Transport Oriented Development consistent with Directions 2031.
(b) Council supports the Canning Bridge Precinct Vision (the “Vision”) as the long term non-binding, non- statutory guiding document for the Canning Bridge precinct, with the following amendments and notations:
- (i) Council supports the spirit of the Vision, i.e. that Canning Bridge, because of its location and features (Freeway and Canning Highway intersection and bus and rail transfer station) is an appropriate place for Transport Oriented Development consistent with Directions 2031.
- (ii) The Cassey Street bus exit component be removed from current plans and reviewed upon completion of the detailed traffic planning study.
- (iii) Manning Road South Freeway On- ramp be given Critical priority.
- (iv) Council acknowledges that the final height and built form will be dependent upon the results of the further studies and detailed design guidelines. Heights shown in the Vision may be used in such further studies. This use does not indicate, and should not be considered as, approval by the City of the building heights specified in the Vision. These heights are likely to change during the period in which planning for increased density in the Canning Bridge Precinct occurs.
- (v) The diagrammatic shapes of possible new buildings within the precinct will be removed from current plans.
(c) the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to pursue and sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Melville outlining joint support for the Vision.
(d) the City participates in a dedicated steering group with State and local government representatives be set up to oversee the implementation of the Canning Bridge Vision.
(e) the following further technical studies be initiated to progress the development of an activity centre structure plan during 2010/11 and 2011/2012:
- (i) Detailed built form and streetscape guidelines
- (ii) Detailed traffic planning study
- (iii) Parking and access strategy
- (iv) Landscaping design guidelines
(f) the Western Australian Planning Commission, the City of Melville and those who made submissions on the draft Vision be advised of points (a) to (e) above.
It is appreciated that this motion is very recent, as is your advice.
However what would be helpful to those of us that do not want to wade through technically weighted jargon or pages and pages of documentation (again!) - is a summary or prĂ©cis in just what this means in layman’s terms.
It is gleaned that the Manning Road southern freeway on ramp has priority and the Cassey St exit has been put on hold (until when?); and there has been some accession to building heights - but what does the rest mean?
Short dot points of what all this equates to would make life much easier and enhance the transparency that everyone is always going on about. Hope you are able to effect this. Thank you.
I really hope something excellent can be designed, that will improve the traffic situation, and can be admired and appreciated. Ruining the landscape with a monstrous piece of bitumen on the waterfront, just because it's the cheapest option and some ignorant people don't think the land is worthwhile, would be a huge mistake. Such short term thinking is not to be admired, merely scorned at. Why can't Perth have modern and beautiful, why can't unsightly bitumen be undergrounded? Or beautiful bridges be built? Expensive, of course it is, everything's expensive! It's the future of the city at stake. I can't understand why better options aren't being sought.
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