Friday 21 October 2011

Rooster to Feather Duster

Congratulations to Mayor Sue Doherty on selection by the community to lead our City of South Perth. Congrats also to Councillors Bill Gleeson, Fiona Reid and Sharon Hawkins-Zeeb who will represent us on Council. For myself, there’s lots to do in the extra thirty hours a week I now have as an ex-Councillor. Rooster one day, feather duster the next. Tonight I’ve updated the Neighbourhood Watch web site and created a Facebook page for that tremendous group of committed people. Now for a Blog update. Oh and click here for my Facebook page.

A common theme in the election was the community’s sincere concern about change and how we plan for a future that will be very different to anything in our past experience. Canning Bridge development was certainly a big issue.

Exciting presentation last night with ABC's Josh Byrne on Community Gardens. South Perth's projects at McDougall Park in Como include a shared garden for the community, a wonderfully imaginative kids' playground and preservation of the heritage dairy farm buildings. I love the way this park is going, with about five phases of people passing through each day and swans and other birds nesting in the middle.

McDougall Park was originally a dairy farm, started in 1914, operating until 1946 when Neil McDougall retired. Neil and Hazel gifted the farm to the Council and Hazel’s will specified that the house and farm buildings be preserved. They are now heritage listed.

I am excited about this project because I have seen others working well in Perth City, Fremantle and in Africa. What a great way to bring people together! You are invited to the next planning meeting at the park on Sunday 6 Nov 10am to 12 noon, Clydesdale St, Como. It’s open to everyone, especially if you live in Manning, Como or McDougall wards. See you there!

I’ve had a number of calls from people who received voting papers for the Mayor but none for the Ward Councillor. If this happened to you, or you received none, especially in Como, please let me know so I can advise the WAEC.

Next week sees a Special Electors Meeting at 5:30 on Monday at Manning Bowls Club, in response to a petition against development by Homes West at 4 Downey Drive, Manning. While many in our city are doing well, there are others that are in hard times and need our support. All in our community need shelter and security, basic needs for all that live on Earth. There are real questions around how we ensure such core needs for our residents, in an envelope of trust and respect. It is certainly not easy and I hope all that attend share these key values.

Manning residents will choose a new Councillor soon, as Cr Les Ozsdolay resigned this week. Les has worked hard and done wonders, being the driver behind Clontarf Markets, the chef for innumerable sausage sizzles and an ear for many residents. A by-election will happen some time soon. With heaps of support, I will be nominating and hope to be as useful.

Click on Comments below or just email me, to have your thoughts published here.


Ralph said...

It was a pity that you missed out in your Ward of Como Beach Peter. On the upside, I am very happy for you to run for the Manning Ward to replace Lez. I wish you well in the up coming by-election.
Ralph Ditton

Diane said...

Never let it be said that you are a feather duster Pete. Whether on the council or off you are a force to be reckoned with. Thanks for your commitment to and enthusiasm for whatever you do.

Anonymous said...

It was a shame that Lez had to resign the way he did, I thought it would have been much better to stay and fight the good fight. I would have thought differing opinions on the council is what we need, rather than everyone falling into line and forming alliances so that you all stay in your council positions.
Best of luck Pete for the Manning Ward election when the time comes.